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Tea Light Wicks

Lead-free, Tea light wicks are ready assembled, the cotton is already primed in a mixture of non-paraffin vegetable wax with a tab at the base. The wick will stand neatly in the tea light through the entire burn. They are 33mm tall, so suitable for most standard tea light cups.

All our glasses and containers now have inside dimensions listed. Using these measurements you can easily choose the right wick from our range.

The recommendations with each glass are based on our test burns. Due to many variations we suggest these as a guide only.

The amount of fragrance you use, the choice of wax, the ambient temperature during the burn, the hours you have your candle alight - all these will influence which wick should be used.

 Please test all your candles prior to selling or making large runs. Our recommendations:

#4 or #6 - tea lights Plastic                                                                                                     #8 - 33mm tall: standard tea light cups and Star cup, soy or palm wax
#10 - 33mm tall: maxi (wide) PVC tea light cups, soy wax or for long burn time beeswax
#12 - 33mm tall: standard tea light cups with beeswax



Candle Making AU 2018