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20mm Wick Tabs
from $3.45 AUD

20mm Wick Tabs Now wider and more stable - 20mm. Thread your wick through the neck from the underside, then squeeze the neck to hold the wick in place.  

Wick Stickers for container candles
from $3.99 AUD

**A most convenient label for holding the tab in place. An updated version on our sticky glue dot - 15mm diameter.  Be sure your glass is clean and dry Mark the centre of your glass Press the dot onto the base of...

CDN WICK SAMPLER PACK of 50 - 14cm tall
$16.99 AUD

This Sampler Pack is the perfect Candle Makers tool. Included are 5 samples of EACH Wick and Tab Assembly size.That's 5 of each size: CDN#6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24. Perfect for when you have a...

CDN 10 - 14cm tall
from $6.47 AUD

Especially designed for container candles up to 5cm-5.5cm wide.

CDN 24 - 14cm tall
from $7.97 AUD

Especially designed for container candles up to 8cm-8.5cm wide.

CDN 20 - 14cm tall
from $7.76 AUD

Especially designed for container candles up to 7.5cm-8cm wide.

True Flame Wood Wicks
from $13.90 AUD

Wooden wicks are used in container candles for their wide flame and their crackling sound. True Flame wicks are another innovative option. Being a wooden wick, this style also crackles slightly when burning. True Flame wicks are always used in...

CDN 12 - 14cm tall
from $6.58 AUD

Especially designed for container candles up to 5.5cm-6cm wide.

CDN 16 - 14cm tall
from $7.33 AUD

Especially designed for container candles up to 6.5cm-7cm wide.

CDN 14 - 14cm tall
from $7.12 AUD

Especially designed for container candles up to 6cm-6.5cm wide.

CDN 22 - 14cm tall
from $7.86 AUD

Especially designed for container candles up to 7.5cm-8cm wide.

CDN 18 - 14cm tall
from $7.44 AUD

Especially designed for container candles up to 7cm-7.5cm wide.

CDN 6 - 14cm tall
from $5.62 AUD

Especially designed for container candles up to 3.5 - 4.5 wide.

CDN 8 - 14cm tall
from $6.37 AUD

Especially designed for container candles up to 4.5cm-5cm wide.

Tea Light Cups - Plastic Maxi
from $27.55 AUD

58mm wide with a depth of 23mm inside (25mm outside height). VOLUME: 60ML Use small #12 wicks and tab assembly.  

Elle Bowl 515ml
from $6.20 AUD

Elle Bowl 515ml -  Melt pool: 120mm Widest dimension: 130mm Outside height: 5.5m Wax required: 300gm Recommended Clever wick and tab assembly: CDN #10 x 3 in soy CB wax  

Tea Light Cups - Plastic Tall
from $24.99 AUD

52mm wide with a height of 40mm. VOLUME: 64ML Use small #6 14cm wicks and tab assembly. If using beeswax #8  


Candle Making AU 2018